Our Credentials

We have had the privilege of arranging journeys for a number of excellent institutions and some wonderfully gifted people.


Lion's Roar

Phillips Exeter Academy

Tricycle Foundation

Plum Village

Groton School

Spirit Rock

Community of Interbeing

Institute of Noetic Sciences

Upaya Foundation

Zen Peacemakers

Tibet House

University of Oregon

Rietberg Museum

Vermont Zen Center

Ahimsa Trust


Allan Badiner

Writer and ecological activist. Former Chair of Rain Forest Action Network

Anne Cushman

Author, former Senior Editor at Yoga Journal magazine and Contributing Editor to Tricycle

Arnie Kotler

Dharma teacher and the Founding Editor of Parallax Press

Late Ashok Desai

Former Attorney General of India

Late Bernnie Glassman

Founder, Zen Peacemakers

Chan Khong


Chris Germer

Clinical Psychologist, Harvard Medical School, and Author

Chuan Leekpai

Ex Prime Minister, Thailand

Cynthia Jurs

Co-director of Animal Alliance and an ordained Dharma Teacher

Drew Barrymore


Fred Eppsteiner


Gwendolyn Faasen

Musician and Scholar

Jacalyn Benett

President and Head Designer of Bennett Company

Jean Baptiste Astic


Larry Rosenberg

Practicing Buddhist and author of ‘Breath by Breath’, and ‘Living in the Light of Death’

Lynne Twist


Maria Semple

Author and Screen Writter

Marion Hunt

Trustee, Roy A. Hunt Foundation

Martine Batchelor

Author and wife of Stephen Batchelor with an extensive background in monastic Buddhism

Michael Trim

Director, ‘Weeds’ the TV Programme

Nena Thurman

Swedish model-turned-psychotherapist. Wife of Robert Thurman and mother to actress Uma Thurman

Nina Gomiashvili

Actor and Gallery Owner

Perry Garfinkel

Senior Journalist for National Geographic magazine

Robert Thurman

Professor, Author and President of Tibet House, USA

Roshi Joan Halifax

Buddhist teacher, Zen priest, anthropologist, and author

Roshi Wendy (Egyoku) Nakao

Abbot and head / resident teacher of the Zen Center of Los Angeles

Sean Williams

British Telecom, Speech Writter for Former Prime Minister of UK

Sister Annabel Laity


Stephen Batchelor

Well known contemporary Buddhist teacher and writer



Late Thich Nhat Hanh

Zen master, peace and human rights activist

Vikram Seth


Werner Doyle


Trudy Goodman

Founding teacher of InsightLA